Since news of the Coronavirus descended upon us, and most of the country closed shop, I’ve lost all semblance of a daily routine. Still, I’ve had a pretty enjoyable week, despite being mostly homebound.

For starters, I’ve tried to embrace the importance of developing patience (a work in progress, for sure) and getting in a good laugh almost daily. I’m thinking these things may prove beneficial as we start to navigate our new normal.

For now, here are my top 3 for the week:


I’m naturally curious and recently stumbled upon Udemy while looking for some help in better understanding WordPress. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s an online platform that offers more than 100,000 courses. I like that the WordPress course I selected was reasonably-priced, and allows me to self-pace.


So, this week I rewatched This Is 40 and snippets of Kat Williams, and laughed until my stomach ached. If you need a quick pick-me-up, don’t forget the oldies but goodies on Netflix and YouTube. Even a few minutes of laughter can change the tone of your entire day.


I have to admit that pancakes are not a must for me, but this recipe for sour cream-blueberry pancakes is a game-changer! If repeat usage says anything at all about the taste, I’ve had them at least three times this week 👍.

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(Photo: My husband, Raul, and I were attending a wedding (pre-Coronavirus), and our niece, Ashley, snapped this photo while joking around with us.)